How to Sell Art Online: 15 Ways to Earn from Your Artwork

Selling art online has become increasingly popular, offering artists a global audience and the ability to reach potential buyers directly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to sell art online:

How to Sell Art Online

Create High-Quality Art

Before selling your art, ensure that it meets a high standard of quality. Invest time and effort into honing your skills and creating pieces that you’re proud to sell.

Build an Online Portfolio

Create a professional website or use online platforms specifically designed for artists, such as Etsy, Shopify, Squarespace or Creative Fabrica. Showcase a diverse range of your art, and provide information about yourself, your inspiration, and your artistic process.

High-Quality Images

Take clear, high-resolution photos of your artwork. Properly lit images that accurately represent your art are crucial for attracting potential buyers. Consider hiring a professional photographer if needed.

Set Realistic Prices

The next step in learning how to sell art online is to consider the cost of materials, including canvases, paint, brushes, and any other supplies used.

Factor in the time spent creating the artwork, and if you have a studio or workspace, consider overhead costs such as rent and utilities.

Decide on an hourly rate for your time spent creating the artwork. This rate should reflect your skill level, experience, and the level of detail in your work. Artists often use a formula like (Materials Cost + Labor Cost) x 2 to determine the base price.

Investigate what other artists with similar styles and levels of experience are charging for their work. This can give you a benchmark for pricing your own art. Look at both local and online markets to get a comprehensive view.

If you are an established artist with a significant body of work and a strong reputation, you may be able to command higher prices. Take your experience and reputation into account when setting your prices.

If you have additional costs related to promoting and selling your artwork, such as website fees, art fair fees, or marketing expenses, factor these into your pricing.

Offer Various Print Options

If selling prints of your artwork, offer various options such as canvas prints, posters, or digital downloads. This allows you to cater to different preferences and budgets. You can also make NFTs and earn from them.

Leverage Online Marketplaces

Join popular online art marketplaces like Etsy, Saatchi Art, or Redbubble. These platforms provide exposure to a large audience, handle transactions, and often offer tools to manage your art inventory.

Selling your artwork on Etsy can be a rewarding venture, given its global reach and community of art enthusiasts. Here are some tips on how to sell art online on Etsy:

  • Set up a well-designed Etsy shop that reflects your brand and artistic style. Use high-quality images for your shop banner and profile picture.
  • Write clear and compelling product titles and descriptions. Use relevant keywords that potential buyers might use when searching for art. Include details about your artistic process, inspiration, and the materials used.
  • Upload high-resolution images that accurately represent your artwork. Showcase different angles and close-ups to provide a detailed view. Ensure that your images have good lighting and accurately represent the colors and details of your art.
  • Research similar artworks on Etsy to determine competitive and reasonable prices for your pieces. Consider factors like size, complexity, and the time invested in creating each piece.
  • Use relevant tags and categorize your art correctly. This helps your artwork appear in search results when potential buyers are browsing or searching for specific types of art.
  • Develop a consistent brand identity for your Etsy shop. This includes your shop banner, logo, and product images. A cohesive brand helps establish a memorable and professional presence.
  • Respond promptly to customer inquiries and reviews. Engage with your customers in a friendly and professional manner. Positive interactions can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.
  • Clearly outline your shop policies, including shipping times, return policies, and any other relevant information. This helps manage customer expectations and builds trust.
  • Keep yourself updated on any changes to Etsy policies or features. Etsy often introduces new tools and functionalities that can benefit your shop.

Also read: 4 Etsy Business Ideas to Explore: from Personalized Goods to Digital Products

Social Media Presence

Build a strong presence on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, or TikTok. Share your art regularly, engage with your audience, and use appropriate hashtags to increase visibility. Social media can also serve as a direct sales channel or drive traffic to your online store.

Utilize Email Marketing

Build an email list by encouraging visitors to subscribe on your website. Send regular newsletters with updates on your art, promotions, and exclusive offers to keep your audience engaged.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Optimize your website and art listings for search engines. Use relevant keywords in your product descriptions, titles, and tags to improve the chances of your art appearing in search results.

Networking and Collaborations

Connect with other artists, art influencers, and relevant communities. Collaborations or features on other platforms can introduce your art to new audiences.

Provide Detailed Descriptions

Write detailed and compelling descriptions for each piece of art. Include information about the inspiration behind the work, the materials used, and any interesting anecdotes that add value.

Secure Payment Processing

Ensure that your online store has a secure payment processing system. Use reputable payment gateways to handle transactions securely.

Customer Service

Provide excellent customer service. Respond promptly to inquiries, address customer concerns, and maintain a positive and professional interaction with your buyers.

Read also: How to Make Money Selling Photos Online

Shipping and Packaging

Clearly communicate your shipping policies, and ensure that your artwork is well-packaged to prevent damage during transit. Consider offering tracking and insurance options for higher-value items.

Gather Reviews and Testimonials

Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews or testimonials on your website or other platforms. Positive feedback can build trust and credibility.

Remember that learning how to sell art online takes time. Consistency, dedication, and adapting to feedback and trends will contribute to your success in selling your artwork.

Selling your artwork online has become increasingly popular. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to sell art online: